Rev. Rama Coomaraswamy Marian Apparitions [...] Before proceeding further, let me clearly express my belief in the many apparitions of Our Lady that the Catholic Church has approved of: Lourdes, La Salette, Fatima, to mention but a few. In the future such approval by the post-Conciliar church is not likely to occur, for Canon 1399 (which prohibited the publication of new prophecies and apparitions without an Imprimatur) was abolished by the Sacred Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith on Wednesday, October 12, 1966, a decision approved by Paul VI on the 14th of the same month (Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 58-1966, 1186). In essence then, the New Church allows the publication of information about apparitions without restriction and without comment [...] CELESTIAL APPARITIONS (part I)CELESTIAL APPARITIONS (part II)CELESTIAL APPARITIONS (part III)CELESTIAL APPARITIONS (part IV)CELESTIAL APPARITIONS (part V)CELESTIAL APPARITIONS (part VI) CELESTIAL APPARITIONS (part VII)