THE HISTORY OF THE TRADITIONAL OR TRIDENTINE MASS In tracing the history of the Tridentine Mass one can follow two possible courses. One can either follow events from the time of the Last Supper - not a development as many claim, but rather a 'fleshing out' of the divine outline, or one can look to the 'pre-Christian' period and see how the Traditional Mass - the central rite of our faith, incorporates within it, and brings to fruition, all the sacrificial rites of the old dispensation, and indeed, of the entire world. While attempting to do both within the confines of a short essay, it is the latter aspect that will be emphasized. Finally I shall attempt to show how our participation in the traditional Mass is in fact our participation in the whole life of Christ - how through participation in the Mass we are baptized with Christ, die with Christ and are resurrected with Christ. Let it be clear from the outset that I am saying nothing original in what follows, unless of course there be errors in the exposition. The Table of contents THE HISTORY OF THE TRADITIONAL OR TRIDENTINE
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