Rev. Rama CoomaraswamyTHE DESACRALIZATION OF HINDUISM FOR WESTERN CONSUMPTIONOriginally given as a talk before the Department of Religion at South Carolina State University, and published in Sophia in honor of Fritjhof Schuon Three Hindu cults which have received widespread acceptance in the West are presented. The first is Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation. You will notice that I do not grace him with the title Maharishi which means 'great saint.' The second is that of Mr. Aurobindo, whose most significant spin-off in this country has been the Esaten Institute, and in the Catholic Church, the expositions of Bede Griffiths. The third is the movement initiated by Rajneesh Bhagavan who liked to describe himself as 'the blessed one who recognized himself as God.' We shall start with Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation. This is one of the earlier exports - or rather re-imports-from the East. It will allow us to define a number of words which will continuously crop up in this discussion - words such as mantras, meditation, yoga, etc. THE DESACRALIZATION OF HINDUISM FOR WESTERN CONSUMPTION - part ITHE DESACRALIZATION OF HINDUISM FOR WESTERN CONSUMPTION - part IITHE DESACRALIZATION OF HINDUISM FOR WESTERN CONSUMPTION - part IIITHE DESACRALIZATION OF HINDUISM FOR WESTERN CONSUMPTION - part IV THE DESACRALIZATION OF HINDUISM FOR WESTERN CONSUMPTION - part V THE DESACRALIZATION OF HINDUISM FOR WESTERN CONSUMPTION - part VI