A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO Vatican II was proclaimed by John XXIII as 'a singular gift of divine providence' and the heralding of a 'New Pentecost'. Not only a New Council, but subsequently, a new Liturgy and a new code of Canon Law resulted. Whatever the judgment of history may be, one thing in clear: this Council and its sequels changed the Church. The manner in which Catholics reacted to the changes introduced by this Council has varied. Some, especially among the clergy, welcomed them with alacrity. Others resisted them from the start. The majority accepted them because they were habituated to accepting whatever came from Rome as true and valid. When they saw their altars turned into tables and their tabernacles displaced, they acquiesced out of obedience. When they heard their clergy expressing strange opinions, they dismissed them as extremists and ignored them. After all, they were born and bred as Catholics and they knew their faith could never change [...] The Table of Contents CREED AND CULT IN THE POST-CONCILIAR CHURCH. A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO (part 1) CREED AND CULT IN THE POST-CONCILIAR CHURCH. A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO (part 2) CREED AND CULT IN THE POST-CONCILIAR CHURCH. A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO (part 3) CREED AND CULT IN THE POST-CONCILIAR CHURCH. A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO (part 4) CREED AND CULT IN THE POST-CONCILIAR CHURCH. A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO (part 5) CREED AND CULT IN THE POST-CONCILIAR CHURCH. A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO (part 6) CREED AND CULT IN THE POST-CONCILIAR CHURCH. A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO (part 7) CREED AND CULT IN THE POST-CONCILIAR CHURCH. A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO (part 8) CREED AND CULT IN THE POST-CONCILIAR CHURCH. A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO (part 9) CREED AND CULT IN THE POST-CONCILIAR CHURCH. A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO (part 10) CREED AND CULT IN THE POST-CONCILIAR CHURCH. A STUDY IN AGGIORNAMENTO (part 11) Disclaimer: "Wandea" stawia sobie za cel być portalem o charakterze chrześcijańskim. Jednakże czytając ją należy mieć na względzie, że nie każda z publikacji, jakie prezentujemy ten cel skutecznie osiąga, a ponadto między właścicielem Wandei, a autorami poszczególnych publikacji mogą zachodzić pewne różnice co do wyznawanych idei i preferowanych sposobów wcielania ich w życie. Dlatego wszystkie wypowiedzi na łamach portalu powinny być rozumiane wyłącznie jako wypowiedzi osób prywatnych, a nie autorytatywny wykład nauki Kościoła.