Rev. Rama CoomaraswamyTHE PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT: A MANIFESTATION AND AN EXPRESSION OF THE 'NEW CHURCH' The rapid spread of the 'Charismatic Movement' within the Catholic milieu has taken even its protagonists by surprise. There is hardly a parish or convent left that has not in sonic way been influenced by this religious 'phenomena,' indeed, some leave become totally Charismatic. It has received the approbation, if not the blessing, of some of the highest members of the hierarchy. All this being so, it becomes incumbent upon us to examine this 'religion for our times,' this 'authentic renewal' in the light of what its leading exponents have stated. Few Pentecostals would deny that this 'Evangelical' movement is other than a manifestation of the 'New' and 'Post-conciliar' Church. As Ralph Martin, one of the movement's founders, states: 'the renewal began, not apart from the Church, but amongst a group of men and women with a deep commitment to the Church andto the renewal that was advocated Vatican II.'' As for the actual founders, they are well described by James Manney: 'Although their backgrounds are varied, theyshared at least two common interests before experiencing the baptism of the Spirit: a fervent concern for a fundamental and communitarian line, and a high degree of theoretical agreement about the right shape and strategy for the renewal. All were deeply influenced by the Cursillo Movement; and shared an intense experience living and working together in a unique Christian community they formed at Notre Dame in 1964-1967.' Part 1Part 2