Proof that the Catholic Faith is the
Singular Truth and Must be Believed as Such
They do not want to know more of what the Catholic
Church might teach them and the sad truth is that most are lacking in Faith and
the Acts of Faith that are associated with it. If they really factually knew
what was required of them would they do it?
We are minimalists (doing the least that we think is
necessary) mostly because we are so caught up and attached to the trappings of
this world and its distractions. To do more would cause sacrifice and
discomfort and change. And also because we are not convinced
that we have to do it, in an absolute sense. If we had complete Faith we could not help but to model our lives as
God expects, as the Catholic Church has taught, regardless of the earthly
If we were to understand that our Catholic Faith is
not one of many religions, such that are worthy of modest effort, but rather
the only religion that is completely true, out of the tens of thousands that
exist in our time, we might then give it the sincere and total attention that
it deserves. Just as if Jesus Christ Himself was standing before you telling
you how to lead your lives, so that you would please God and one day dwell in
Before us is the all the proof that we need to make
this singular claim. There is a cement that binds our
proclaimed religion to truth. Such that it should and would erase the doubt of
the reality of the Catholic Faith, if a person could realize the powerful
evidence that God has provided for us.
If we are honest with ourselves we must recognize
that; either the Catholic Church is true and we must therefore obey Her precepts to please God and avoid Hell; or it is not true
and it doesn't matter if we disregard certain aspects that we feel are not
meaningful or necessary.
Weighing down on our lukewarm conviction and
unfortunately for us in this time, we are overwhelmed with anti-Catholic
thinking. The barrage is so pervasive and has existed long enough that nearly
all who claim to be Catholic have no grasp or understanding what it truly means
to lead a Catholic life. They believe the rationale and reasoning of social and
moral secular "experts". They believe what they read in non-Catholic
print and see on television. They believe what they are taught by Modernist
philosophies. Whether they know it or not their comprehension of values and
virtues is a corrupted and false understanding. This indeed is the danger of
living in an anti-Catholic world. The culpability of these individuals will be left to
the Divine Judge and His factoring in their particular situations. But we do
know that most offend God and are in critical danger of suffering eternally, if
they had the chance to remove their ignorance and rejected it.
When most of these Souls hear fragments of the Truth,
they turn away because what they are hearing is too foreign, too out-dated, too
imposing, too difficult. They don't want to hear
anymore. Woe to these who by their own pride and obstinacy fail the test of God
to hear and be drawn to the Truth. They are too happy with the way things are,
too attached to the seductions of this world. They seek ease, comfort, wealth,
opulence, power, and lust after the pleasures of this life. In short there is
no sacrifice, no atonement for sin, no amendment of lives to conform to the
Will of God as revealed by the Catholic Church. There is not enough Faith to
bring about acts of Faith. Just Faith in word, not in deed.
But they deceive themselves. Because
there is no Catholic Faith in word alone. To be a Catholic requires that
we conform our lives, that we amend our lives to do the Will of God as revealed
by the Church and to resist our own Will which is
inclined to do otherwise. Is it a light switch that can be turned-on to convert
the darkness to light? It is and it isn't. For certainly our
will can convert in an instant; we can, by God's Grace which he readily
supplies, choose not to offend Him any longer. It is also a daily
perseverance, for the rest of our lives, to apply what is taught and to learn more. To
resist that which offends God and to strive to do only that which pleases Him.
And to learn all that we can of God's expectations of us while here on Earth, that we may please Him more and offend Him less. We can never rest or feel that we are doing enough, as Satan would tempt us to
believe. It is this devotion that is required of all who would call themselves
Catholic. And it requires an increase in Faith, Hope, and Charity.
The Proof
The Catholic Church alone can righteously claim an
unbroken link back to the Apostles and continuing through the Church Fathers,
Doctors, Councils and Popes. It is by these persons that the Authority and the
legitimacy of the Catholic Faith is established. If we
read of those Apostles who were eyewitnesses to the man called Jesus Christ and
His alleged Divinity, we are then faced with the truthfulness or falsehood of
their experience and testimony. It is here where God has provided for His flock, that they may know the Truth and embrace it.
For these men who lived and heard Jesus Christ were
not zealots. They were many times weak and not of great intellect. When they
were tested they sometimes failed and were found wanting. And when their mentor
was so brutally murdered, they were scandalized. Most fled and hid, one denied
Him and another refused to believe that He had appeared after His death. Thus
they were just like us, weak in Faith and lacking in fortitude. At that moment,
despite wondrous miracles and teachings, they had seen the abrupt and brutal
end of the Christ. His essence and mission was cast in doubt, because they did not
fully understand His Divinity. They feared that all that had been told to them
would not come to pass and that they would meet the same brutal end as Jesus.
We live our lives as if this is where the story ended
and that it was just that, a nice story of a nice man who was not accepted and
met a bitter end at the hands of his enemies. We accept the overall moral
guidance that he taught. But the finer points, the more difficult life changing
messages, are not really needed.
However the story continues... These men saw a risen
Christ. A Christ whose Divinity was manifested to them.
And their Faith became fact. In those days concluding on Pentecost they knew
what none of us know. That Jesus was the Son of God and His Word. That His teachings had Divine authority and are Truth. That there was no
questioning what our Father in Heaven expects of us. It had been revealed to
them and they as the Church of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church, were charged
with bringing these expectations to all men as their only hope for eternal
We can be sure of their conviction and knowledge of
the Truth by the very fact that they and many others were Martyrs. Martyrdom is
the gift that God and the early Church gave us in modern times to know that this
Catholic Faith is True. None of these men would have given their lives for
something that they did not know to be true. If Christ had not risen from the
dead, they would not have died for His message. But because of their former
weakness and subsequent Martyrdom we know that they knew the Truth and proclaimed
it. And by their fervent conviction to that Truth unto death, many others, who
never knew Jesus Christ but knew that these Apostles knew that Jesus Christ was the Son of God,
they then also had
the conviction of Faith to receive their Martyr's crown.
Our Catholic Martyrs are our proof. The
Saintly men and women who sacrificed their worldly lives for a beatific life.
A beatific life that we know to be true, for those that persevere and conform their will to the Will of God, as the Faith of the
Martyrs has
shown us. And that the Faith of this
We are also called to be modern-day martyrs. We must sacrifice
this worldly life of ours, just as they did theirs. Our martyrdom, even if not
bloody, will nevertheless be very difficult. Think of those early souls who
died because they believed with their whole existence what we believe on
Sundays for an hour or two.
What can we do today and how can we do better
tomorrow? Our Catholic Faith tells us all we need to know. We must be drawn to
this Faith (that we really believe to be Fact), and to know more of what this
Faith teaches us. This is what is required of us by our God. To
know how to please Him more fully and to have that before us all day, every