Living Catholic Lives in a Modern World
Every Catholic must make it a point to understand how
Catholicism translates into daily life. The aspects that affect the translation
have changed over the millennia. However although we are not being eaten by
lions anymore, there are just as many, if not more, significant dangers to us now
than to those in the early Church. The lions that we face now are even more
dangerous than those of the martyrs. For the lions of this modern "world" do
not destroy our mortal life, to the sanctification of the soul, which then
proceeds to Heaven. They leave our mortal lives intact and devour our soul,
which proceeds to Hell. These lions prowl unseen and ravage insidiously unless
the soul is diligent and is guarded. How much more terrified we should be than
those early saints. Their pain was brief and their reward was infinite, while
our pleasures can last our brief lifetimes, but lead to our eternal suffering.
A moment of that eternal torment is infinitely more horrible than the moment of being
eaten alive.
God's expectations have not changed over these 2000
years. He is timeless and His expectations are the means by which He determines
our love for Him and hence our merit to be with Him. He deserves our entire
life, and if we were to give it to Him, it would be little payment for the
reward He gives.
Giving everything to God, does not necessarily mean
living on a mountain peak and eating berries while praying constantly. Some are
called to this vocation and can be models of worldly disengagement. As are
those who lead cloistered lives in convents, not speaking a word and also
praying continuously. Some are called to engage the world and tend to the flock
by teaching and offering the sacraments. The rest of us who lead
"normal" lives are not exempted from offering all to God, but we,
like the others, do so in different ways. Raising children, keeping a home and
providing for a family are just as necessary vocations. For the souls that have
the potential to fill Heaven come from all of these vocations. Our jobs are to
save our souls and the souls of others, working within our stations in life.
As Catholic laity we should be the outward
manifestation of those who are engaging
the world with the assistance of God. How we live each moment of our routine
lives will be the models for the rest of humanity. We Catholics are the "foot
soldiers" doing battle against the enemy. We look to our
"generals" (those with religious vocations) for guidance and the
weaponry to repel the attacks and counter with our own.
So what are the weapons we must use? What tactical
strategy do we have? Since this truly is a battle between Heaven and Hell we
must look to who is served. This is always a very simple and effective
guidance. In all things that we do, even to minutia, we evaluate in terms of
who is pleased. For in everything one is and the other is not.
There are 3 ways to please God for the very brief time
we have on Earth.
We can face
our trials with humble and pious reservation.
We can
offer prayer and sacrifice while recognizing Jesus' Sacrifice.
We can
resist temptation.
We face many minor trials and annoyances throughout
our days. How we face them determines who we serve and to whom we offer
ourselves. There will always be two ways to react to every instance that trials
us. From stubbing our toes, to getting cutoff in traffic, to belligerent people
we meet, to what we watch, eat, read, speak and think. We can yell or curse or
complain and serve Satan, or we can reservedly bear our trial and offer
thanksgiving and glory to God. These are opportunities from God to acknowledge
Him and prove our merit and we should be thankful for these opportunities to
merit Heaven no matter how minor or severe
our trials may be. Our Faith teaches that they will never be more severe than we
can bear.
Sacrifice is a self-imposed trial or mortification.
These have high value to God because they have an underlying admission of
Faith. We can endure a trial because we have Faith or because we have Faith we
can offer a sacrifice to God. It is the difference between saying "thank
you" to God for the gift He gives you and offering God a gift.
Temptation on the other hand is more alluring and easy
to experience. Again we always have two options. We can accept it and please
Satan or we can resist it and please God. Deflecting temptation is a very
effective weapon. At the moment it occurs, remove it from your sight or leave
the location or turn it off. Experiencing temptation, no matter how persistent,
is not a sin, if we relegate it to a vain attempt by Satan and refuse to
entertain it. Praying to the Most Holy Virgin for assistance is always helpful.
Trials to
endure - Opportunities from God to acknowledge Him and thank
Him for what we have and what He offers us.
Worldly assaults
to avoid - Things that the world values are almost exclusively
anti-Christ. Almost always pleasurable, easy and an enticement to sin, and
thereby serve Satan.
Power or drive to dominate
Wealth or material overindulgence
Guiltless or remorseless thought
Envying others and coveting the possessions
Immodest or lascivious behavior
Pride by exalting yourself rather than God
Idleness and slovenly behavior
Vanity or dwelling on your appearance, attire
Lying or attempting to deceive by omission
Selfishness or focusing on what's in it for you
Disobedience to persons or positions of authority
Offensive conversation and Mockery
Shirking Responsibilities for our own selfish desires
Most modern music
music attacks on a number of fronts. It is provocative. It arouses the senses.
It predicates physical contact and intimate proximity. The lyrics are rarely
pleasing to God. It generallyglamorizes
non-Catholic thought and behavior. It usually encourages and is associated with
to make - Sacrifices are little selfish pleasures that we
abstain from in the name of God and for His Glory.
Fasting and abstinence
Working harder and avoiding Idleness
Offering our time to the service of others
Taking additional or exceptional measures to avoid sin
Avoiding comfort and ease on purpose, choosing the
narrow road.
Let Discipline, Respect, Reverence and Piety rule your
life and those you influence.
What God expects is not superhuman, it is
supernatural. He gives us the many opportunities and occasions to glorify Him.
He is pleased by the small and humble gifts that we offer to Him when properly
intended. Just because we avoid worldly pleasures does not mean we cannot take
pleasure in being Catholic while on earth. There are numerous joys that a
proper practicing Catholic can experience. If fact these joys are more
satisfying and longer lasting.
Watching children grow in the fullness of God to be
good Catholic models. They are "perfect" children and people will
compliment them.
The Peace of Christ that fills your heart when you are
nice to others even if they don't deserve it. Think kindly towards
others whether they realize it or not and while seeking nothing in return.
The stress-free feeling of being satisfied. When you
are happy with moderation and thankful for the many gifts that you are blessed
with. You start to dwell on the positive things in your life.
While not being presumptuous you realize that as a
proper Catholic in the state of sanctifying grace that you are on the correct
path that will one day lead you to Heaven and all of the rewards associated
with it. This is a very pleasant feeling
By working harder you accomplish more and being
Catholic, your accomplishments mean more, because you are not self-serving.
Through sacrifice, you begin to understand the
sacrifice that Christ made for us. This recognition humbles a person and opens
their hearts to receive God's graces. Everything makes you happy when viewed as
God would have us be. Our enhanced perspective on the important things in life,
clarifies our purpose and comforts our difficult times that we face.
It has been said that we cannot all be Saints. This
thinking creates a false and despairing attitude. We must all recognize what it
takes to be a Saint and that we are all capable of being Saints. We must all pray and
strive to live saintly lives. By the grace of God and our firm determination to
please God, we can all be Saints someday.
If you can, imagine all people acting as Faith-filled
Catholics in the state of Sanctifying Grace. How much of a better and wonderful
experience would we have here on Earth.
© 2006