Those who would claim that Baptism by water alone is the sole means of Salvation exhibit at best misguided zeal and depending on the vigor of their application, run the risk of scandalizing the Faith and placing their own souls at risk. While these people may exhibit very good and pious Catholic attitudes, they falter with a misconstrued view of Salvation as was promoted by Fr. Feeney and promoted still by the St. Benedict Center (SBC) and those associated with them. The Catholic Church maintains Extra Ecclessiam Nulla Salus "No Salvation outside the Catholic Church" as Catholic dogma. The Catholic Church recognizes no other revealed means for a man to obtain Heaven. However She never presumes to finally determine the state of Souls, or God's Judgment. Whereas God has revealed that His Church is the only path to Salvation and that one must be Baptized into it, using flowing water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, to be eligible for Redemption, this same Church also recognizes that the intention of these Souls may also be pleasing to Almighty God. The Church also realizes that the Law-Giver is above the Law and that while a person appears by mortal standards to be outside the Catholic Church and is in grave danger of damnation, and while there is no other revealed means to Salvation, it does not mean that God in His infinite Justice and Mercy, is not able to know a man's heart and desire, and save the Soul of one who has yet to be Baptized in water.
It is not charitable to think otherwise and on a more
severe note it is dangerous to attempt to usurp God's Justice and Mercy.
Those known as Feeneyites will quote many Popes in
the promotion of their position, but they fail to note the many Popes and
Doctors of the Church that comment on the possibility of other means of
Salvation, such as Baptism by Blood (as in Martyrs) or Desire (as in Invincible
Ignorance). If Feeneyites are correct, then the Holy Innocents (Infant Martyrs)
and Didimus (the good thief crucified with Christ)
are now in Hell. Their founder, Fr. Feeney was excommunicated* for refusing to
obey the Holy See regarding his over-zealous interpretation of the EENS
doctrine. His position and the now subsequent Feeneyite position is scandalous
to the Catholic Church for it portrays a cold-hearted religion that lacks
charity, and dangerous for them because as they judge so harshly they are
asking to be judged by the same measure.
It is Catholic Dogma that souls may be saved through Baptism of Water, Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire. It is de fide (required belief) for all Catholics. Those who reject this Dogma, ironically, place themselves outside the Catholic Church. Here is a sampling of this constant teaching of the Catholic Church:
"taking the place of the baptismal bath if it was not received, and restoring that which was lost" - Tertullian (speaking of lavacrum sanguinis, or blood baptism)
"That the place of baptism is sometimes supplied by suffering is supported
by a substantial argument which the same blessed Cyprian draws from the
circumstance of the thief, to whom, although not baptized, it was said, 'Today
you shall be with me in paradise'. Considering this over and over again, I find
that not only suffering for the name of Christ can supply for that which is
lacking by way of baptism, but even faith and conversion of heart [i.e., baptism
of desire] if, perhaps, because of the circumstances of the time, recourse
cannot be had to the celebration of the mystery of baptism. [...] When we speak
of within and without in relation to the Church, it is the position of the
heart that we must consider, not that of the body ... All who are within [the
Church] in heart are saved in the unity of the ark [by baptism of
"the catechumens who
suffer martyrdom receive "the glorious and most sublime
blood-Baptism"" - St. Cyprian
“We assert without hesitation (on the authority of the holy Fathers
Augustine and Ambrose) that the priest whom you indicated (in your letter) had
died without the water of baptism, because he persevered in the faith of holy
mother the Church and in the confession of the name of Christ, was freed from
original sin and attained the joy of the heavenly fatherland. Read (brother) in
the eighth book of Augustine's "City of
"It is de fide that men are also
saved by Baptism of desire, by virtue of the Canon Apostolicam,
"de presbytero non baptizato"
and of the Council of Trent, session 6, Chapter 4 where it is said that no one
can be saved "without the laver of regeneration or the desire for
it." -St Alphonsus Liguori
too, our beloved sons and venerable brothers, it is again necessary to mention
and censure a very grave error entrapping some Catholics who believe that it is
possible to arrive at eternal salvation although living in error and alienated
from the true faith and Catholic unity. Such belief is certainly opposed to
Catholic teaching. There are, of course, those who are struggling with
invincible ignorance about our most holy religion. Sincerely observing the
natural law and its precepts inscribed by God on all hearts and ready to obey
God, they live honest lives and are able to attain eternal life by the
efficacious virtue of divine light and grace. Because God knows, searches and
clearly understands the minds, hearts, thoughts, and nature of all, his supreme
kindness and clemency do not permit anyone at all who is not guilty of
deliberate sin to suffer eternal punishments."Quanto
Conficiamur Moerore - Pope
Pius IX
"Some reduce to a meaningless formula the necessity of belonging to the true Church in order to gain eternal salvation."Humani Generis - Pope Pius XII
" For even though by an unconscious desire and longing they have a certain relationship with the Mystical Body of the Redeemer, they still remain deprived of those many heavenly gifts and helps which can only be enjoyed in the Catholic Church." Mystici Corporis Christi - Pope Pius XII (emphasis mine)
"Baptism, the gateway and foundation of the Sacraments, actually or at
least in desire is necessary for all salvation"Canon 737 Sec.1 - 1917
Code of Canon Law
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