An Appeal for Recognition
You must realize that the catholic church that you attend on Sundays is not the same Church that your grandparents, great grandparents, and nearly all of the Saints and Popes attended. But you will say "But I go to the same place that they went to!". But it is not the "bricks, mortar, and marble" that makes a church a Catholic Church. What makes a church "A Holy Roman Catholic Church" is the Catholic Faith. The embodiment of faith determines all of that which "the faithful" must believe, in order to be members of that church. If you are faithful to what Buddhists believe, then you are a Buddhist. To be a Catholic and member of the True Catholic Church, you must believe the True Catholic Faith. If you fail to embrace even 1 small aspect of this Faith, you will cease to be a member of the Catholic Church.
Since the Catholic Faith is no longer in your church, your
church is no longer a Catholic Church. What was once the Holy Roman Catholic
Church and the Holy Roman Catholic Faith, sadly no longer exists. Even though
the buildings are the same, the religion is different. The Faith is different.
Even though some of the priests may still be the same, their religion is
different and most likely their Faith is different as well. What they and the
hierarchy believe and what they teach to you, the flock, is a different
teaching, and many times a conflicting message, from the message that has been
a constant teaching of the Holy Roman Catholic Church for nearly 2000 years.
That many of you think
of yourselves as "Roman Catholic" is both sad and angering, for this
church that pretends to be The Catholic Church is a profanity and corruption of
the Glorious Church that once was. Untold desecrations and
irreverence take place in buildings that were once Gateways to Heaven.
These buildings are no different
now than museums, and as helpful to the soul as a Protestant or Muslim church
is. That you are really "New Catholics" or "Post-Conciliar Catholics"
manifests the
very "Apostasy of Faith" that St. Paul talked about and the Blessed Virgin
warned about. It is a "Modernist Church" that past Popes have condemned, and
that Vatican II popes have embraced.
Only those who do not recognize that they have lost the "True Catholic Faith" could ever lose it. For if they had recognized it, they would have raced back to the fold, before the wolves could've devoured them. For there is only complete safety within the fold of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Our Faith teaches that and we believe that. It is a Dogma of Catholic Faith.
The differences are staggering between the Holy Roman Catholic Faith and the Post Conciliar
catholic beliefs (See "What has changed").
It was only by the double-speak of
When change was first proposed there should
have been a universal recognition that any one change to the Church would be
wrong and ill-conceived. No matter how small or seemingly insignificant. That
is because unlike man God is perfect and His Church is also perfect. What
humans perceive as flaws or unnecessary tidbits, is
wisdom in God's Divine design. And since perfection can not be improved upon,
any change to that which is perfect, introduces imperfection. That which is
un-sullied becomes stained. That which changes what is
pure, introduces impurity. Some of the changes seemed minor and they were
introduced with flowery and charitable language. For the
unpalatable cannot be administered unless it has been candy-coated.
These seemingly innocent changes were layered upon one another and soon the
foundation was unrecognizable. They slowly smothered the roots of the Holy
Roman Catholic Church. Other changes were not so minor. But well-devised
double-speak, along with faithless old comfortable men in Rome, and a pope who
could not possibly be Pope, managed the seemingly impossible; to turn the
steadfastness of the Roman Catholic Church into that of a completely new
church.... an ecumenical church.
This weed has grown with amazing speed.
The manure was spread thick. This new species or rather, mutant "hybrid", has taken root and choked the Catholic Church. It is
a hybrid of the Catholic Church and the "Churches of the World".
There are remnants of the old. Mostly it is that which is insignificant,
inoffensive to Heretics, and easy to deal with. The appeal comes from its
candy-coating. Its "charitable ecumenism" or its
"love and tolerance", or its "Humanity" or
"worldliness". It is the product of man's reasoning. Man's understanding of the way things should be or the way
God should be. This folly of Man is not the way of God. The way of God demands
sacrifice and homage. It demands forsaking all that this world has to offer and
trusting in the riches of the next. It demands commitment and practice of the
Faith of the Apostles. Wide is the gate and easy is the path to Perdition. If
you find that your religion is not stern enough then it is not the means of
Salvation. The bar is high and unattainable, for if you could attain it then
the reward is owed you, and it will always be a gift. It is not reaching the
bar that matters. It is for the effort and struggle that merit is earned and
the reward is given.
It Took a Pope
With Traditional
Catholics there is general agreement amongst them pertaining to what has changed
for the worse
within what was once the Catholic Church.
They can agree on the invalidity of the Novus Ordo mass. They can agree on the liberal and modernist
infrastructure. They can agree on the sacramental changes, and attitude
changes, and architectural changes. They can agree that
he validly chosen? Is he a heretic? Is he a modernist? Are his hands tied? Is
he trying? Is he conservative? Is he Pope? If not, who was the last Pope?
Because of this we have Pius X, Pius V, Latinists, Conclavists, Sedevacantists, as well as traditional Condiliarists recognizing the
Pope, and a host of gray areas in between. Everyone recognizes and agrees that
Catholics must have a Pope. The question is only "do we have one now"?
Points that have helped
confuse the Faithful and have aided the takeover of the Church
Papal Infallibility
Magisterial Infallibility
Indefectibility of the Church
Perpetual presence and
visibility of the Church.
Obedience to the Pope
Obedience to Authorities within the Church
Disparity between the Church and the World
Changing Values amongst the Faithful
Lack of Education in the
Personal feelings and
Strong Temptations and
Diabolical Influence.
Logical fallacies.
Reason, denial and
Believing in the Greatness
To find the truth we must increase the clarity of our Faith. We must divorce ourselves from our feelings, wants and needs. In that way we open our hearts to the truth and we are receptive to the truth. It is a process of thinking that is independent from our will and what we think and more aligned to God and what God thinks. It is very difficult to do.
answer to the question of the Pope can be found when one realizes that the very
issues that confront us now about the Pope are the same ones that confronted
many in the 1960s. And the result was then as it is now. That the Catholic
Church could only have deviated from the "true" path, and accomplished all of
the disasters so apparent to us; with the help, assistance and complicity of
the Pope. It took a Pope to call the council. It took a Pope to set the agenda.
It took a Pope to intervene during significant debates. It took a Pope to
eventually approve and sign all of the documents of
any other person, group, or council would have proposed the changes and tried
to lead us in that direction they would have been met with rejection and
failure. It really did require a Pope to make it happen. Whether or not the
Pope was diabolically complicit, malicious, misguided, negligent, or weak, the
fact remains that the person acting in his capacity demolished the Catholic
Church. And demolish it he/they did, as no sane person can say that the
Post-Conciliar catholic church today is the same Holy
Roman Catholic Church that existed prior to
The timing was as perfect as was the plan. Many things came together perfectly. First God allowed it, as a Trial. Second, Satan was motivated, for his potential reward was great. The world had doubt in Faith and Religion, because science and "wise" men said that only ignorant folk believed in that supernatural stuff. Vatican I proclaimed the Pope infallible. Modernists twisted the doctrine to only when the Pope spoke the "magic words" (ex cathedra) was He infallible. The rest of the time He could error. There were many who were not Catholic and who resented The Catholic Church's Pious Doctrine and were bent on Her destruction. Greed for power and lack of Fortitude amongst the Catholic Hierarchy, took the fight out of those who were charged to protect the Faith. And finally, those who were the Catholic multitudes had allowed their understanding of the Faith to wane and weaken. Some had good intentions, some were misguided, some were blind, some were malicious. All were influenced at least a little by the Devil and some were even in league with Him. Very few stood in God's corner and fought. How did Satan pull it off? What were the undercurrents that he used? We may never know exactly. We do know, however, that he did pull it off and he needed the complicity of a person sitting in Peter's chair to do it. We also know that people liked the vernacular because they failed to learn Latin. It was easy to accept, because they never understood the meaning of the Mass and when the Mass changed they couldn't tell.
has shown that the fruit of the tree planted at
Catholic Church needs a Pope. Since we have no Pope, Ecclesiastic time must
necessarily cease. We have the past Popes for guidance, but nothing new can be
answered. No one has the authority to answer today's most pressing questions.
Consequently this is also a time which demands extraordinary charity amongst
us, lest one's pride and condemnations bring his own
ruin. We pray for a Pope because we are barren without Him. We must try to hold
this Shepard-less flock together, as its natural tendency is to disperse. We
must pray hard to endure these miserable times. God will provide His rightful
Vicar in His time.