Welcome to Rama Coomaraswamy Catholic Writings

We regret to inform you that Dr Rama Coomaraswamy has passed away on July 19th, 2006.
We hope that his writings will inform and possibly inspire you.

And we truly hope that you continue the dialogue that Dr/Fr Coomaraswamy has begun
In assosiation with Essay Writing Experts



Over the course of several years I have written a number of articles dealing with the changes in the Catholic Church subsequent to Vatican II. Most of these have been written in order to clarify my own thinking on the issues involved; some have been written in response to requests from others. They reflect in many ways a personal journey or rather, my own struggles to remain Catholic and to pass on the Faith as I understood it to my children. In offering them to others it is my hope that they also will derive some benefit from them. 

As it is sometimes difficult to get controversial material published, and because I frequently get requests from other parts of the world for copies of this material, it seems best to make them available on the Internet. While the material is copyrighted, readers are free to download and use the material in any way which is appropriate. 

Recognizing that some of the material is controversial and that I am quite capable of being in error, I would welcome any corrections based on sound Catholic doctrine, and of course am willing to respond to questions that readers may have. An e-mail address is provided. 

My own background is perhaps of some pertinence. Born in the United States, much of my early education was in India, England and Canada. For many years I was a cardiovascular and cardiac surgeon on the staff of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. I was chief of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery at Stamford Hospital in Connecticut for five years and also practiced at Greenwich Hospital, also in Connecticut. Subsequent to cardiac problems, I retired from surgery and retrained in Psychiatry and also taught at Albert Einstein in this field. In addition, I was also professor of Ecclesiastical History at the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Ridgefield Connecticut for a period of five years. 

At the same time, I wish to thank the many individuals with whom I have discussed these issues in the past and all those who have assisted me in achieving a better understanding of the Catholic faith. I would only ask that readers remember me in their prayers.

Rama P. Coomaraswamy, M.D., F.A.C.S.


**New Additions**

** New Revision February 2006 **
The Destruction of the Christian Tradition

Response to Fr Voigt on Sedevacantism

Comments Of Father Stepanich On Gruner

Sedecacantism (August 2005)

On the Election of Benedict XVI

On the Validity of My Ordination

Sacramentum Ordinis

This page was last updated on 03/25/2023.

For additional information:webmaster@coomaraswamy-catholic-writings.com